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Signs of Friction
AI in Writing Fiction - Friend or Foe?
I want to focus my time on the art of writing. For all other forms of writing, I work with a team of digital assistants.
AI in Writing Fiction - Friend or Foe?
I want to focus my time on the art of writing. For all other forms of writing, I work with a team of digital assistants.
Are proofreaders worth the hassle?
As an author, you should enlist proofreaders. And, if possible, use your self-publishing flexibility to your advantage.
Are proofreaders worth the hassle?
As an author, you should enlist proofreaders. And, if possible, use your self-publishing flexibility to your advantage.
Who am I writing for?
Writing for oneself versus writing for an audience isn’t a binary choice. It’s a spectrum with many positions in between.
Who am I writing for?
Writing for oneself versus writing for an audience isn’t a binary choice. It’s a spectrum with many positions in between.
How many characters is too much?
My novel’s opening chapters have fifteen to twenty characters introduced over a few days. Is that “too many?”
How many characters is too much?
My novel’s opening chapters have fifteen to twenty characters introduced over a few days. Is that “too many?”
My debut novel is out now.
Nothing in life is guaranteed (except something going wrong). Considering Amazon's strict book review policy, I cannot check if you wrote a review on Amazon (though it would be awesome if you did).
My debut novel is out now.
Nothing in life is guaranteed (except something going wrong). Considering Amazon's strict book review policy, I cannot check if you wrote a review on Amazon (though it would be awesome if you did).
Something went wrong (formatting)
I used a Monospace font for a small number of electronic messages and Small caps for telepathic thoughts projected into someone’s mind. I styled everything else in either Roman or italics.
Something went wrong (formatting)
I used a Monospace font for a small number of electronic messages and Small caps for telepathic thoughts projected into someone’s mind. I styled everything else in either Roman or italics.
"Maintenance is how the universe curbs productive people."
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